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What is a Multilateral Investment Fund?

A Multilateral Investment Fund, also known as an MIF, is a type of private equity fund controlled by a government organization and managed by a country’s commercial banking industry. They have been around for 50 years and are used to finance infrastructure projects in developing countries.

A private equity fund is an investment vehicle that pools money from its investors to make private equity investments in companies and real estate. Investors gain ownership of their share of the fund’s assets, which they can sell back to the fund after a certain amount of time has elapsed or when they need access to the money in their investment. Additionally, private equity funds charge management fees, which mean that the investors give up some of the gains from their investments.

The main difference between a conventional private equity fund and an MIF is that while conventional funds tend to invest in companies within developed countries with functioning financial markets, MIFs invest in developing countries with more volatile financial markets. Traditional private equity funds tend to be backed by institutional investors such as pension funds or university endowments. MIFs have a lot of advantages over traditional private equity funds because, before MIFs were created, there was minimal financing for developing nation infrastructure projects.

Types Of Multilateral Investment Funds

There are three types of multilateral investment funds:

Capital access funds

Capital access funds are designed to provide capital for companies in developing countries. The funds are usually run by international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). They can invest in both the private and public sectors of developing economies. They often provide debt financing and equity investment, but they also invest in projects that require risk mitigation, such as natural resource extraction.

Multilateral fund

Private equity funds

Private equity funds invest in privately held companies (as opposed to public companies). These companies may be new enterprises, distressed companies, or those undergoing turnaround situations. A private equity fund typically invests in a company and holds it for several years to sell at a profit within five years. The types of assets that private equity investors seek include real estate, financial services, manufacturing, distribution, and technology businesses.

Infrastructure funds

Infrastructure funds invest in public-private partnerships and other infrastructure projects, including airports, ports, roads, and bridges. They can invest in the development of new infrastructure or the acquisition of existing assets. Infrastructure funds may also involve energy projects such as wind farms or hydroelectric dams.

Functions Of A Multilateral Investment Fund

There are five main functions of a multilateral investment fund

To promote economic growth and development in low-income countries

To achieve these objectives, the fund provides concessional finance to low-income countries (LICs), defined as those with a GNI per capita of $1205 or less. This assistance is provided through loans at preferential interest rates, grants, and technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of LICs for policy making, management, and implementation of projects that promote sustainable development. The fund also provides financial aid to middle-income countries (MICs) when they face balance-of-payments difficulties threatening their economic stability. The Fund has also approved financing programs for developing countries that are not eligible for concessional financing from other international financial institutions (IFIs).

To provide a mechanism for enhancing the financial resources of developing countries

As part of its mandate to enhance global capital flows, the bank provides investment advice to its member states on attracting long-term private flows into their economies by improving their macroeconomic policies, economic governance, and business climate. The bank also facilitates the movement of private capital across borders by assisting with legal issues such as tax laws, customs procedures, and other regulatory aspects that affect cross-border investments.

To provide an opportunity for diversification of portfolio investments

The MIF is a financial mechanism that enables investors to diversify their investments across a wide range of projects, resulting in a more stable source of income, especially in market volatility. It also allows investors who cannot afford to make significant investments in any project to participate in the development process through pooled funds.

To channel private investments into projects with high social returns, especially infrastructure development

MIFs have been set up as contribution-based funds, which means that each member country contributes according to shareholding following their capital subscription and receives their share of profits based on this contribution plus earnings from capital gains. This mechanism ensures that each member country makes an appropriate contribution and reaps benefits proportional to its investment.

To reduce volatility in international capital flows and promote global liquidity management

One of the essential functions of a multilateral investment fund is to provide stability for international capital flows. The main reason is that investors are less likely to be affected by sudden changes in foreign exchange rates when they invest in foreign currencies through these funds. This reduces the volatility of international capital flows, which can help improve global liquidity management.


Multilateral Investment Funds are no longer a rarity in today’s economic environment, and many countries have taken steps to establish such funds as a means to facilitate investment. As the role of these nations inevitably changes, so will their Multilateral Investment Funds.

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